Company Portfolio


Acumina is known within the UK and internationally, for the breadth and depth of its experience in developing high quality, creative curriculum and assessment materials.

  • Content development and testing of the award winning national numerical reasoning and procedural mathematics formative assessment framework (Wales) key stage 1 - 4 (Alphaplus consortium, Welsh Government

  • Writing 2013 national tests in mathematics (England), key stage 2, levels 3 - 5 and level 6 (Standards Testing Agency, 2012)

  • Writing and development of mathematics and science materials for gifted and talented students, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Mawhiba Schools Partnership, Nord Anglia Education, 2010 - 11)

  • Researching and advising Qualifications Curriculum and Development Agency (QCDA) on the assessable domain for level 6 assessments at key stage 2, England (2011)

  • Development of level 6 assessment items for key stage 2, England (QCDA, 2010 - 2011)

  • National single level tests in mathematics (key stages 2 and 3) for pupils in England (QCDA, 2007 - 10) 

  • Writing innovative, open-ended assessment tasks (key stage 3) (Bowland Trust, 2009 - 10)

  • Writing mathematical elements developing mathematical, science and design and technology activities to support schools implementing cross-curricular activities (STEM agenda) (IET Faraday, 2009 - 10)

  • Writing and developing assessment materials for teachers, to support the national Bowland case studies (Bowland Trust, 2008 - 10)

  • Development of standards files to support the introduction of the new key stage 3 mathematics curriculum (QCDA, 2009)


Other work includes developing functional skills assessments, writing of teaching materials to support diagnostic maths tests for adults and writing on screen curriculum and assessment items.