Company Portfolio
Children’s services
The full range of training and consultancy services relating to work with children and families, with a particular area of expertise in working with challenging (and challenged) young people, youth justice, restorative justice, dealing with conflict, and work with parents and families.
Taking on the role of Practice Development Manager with the Youth Justice Board for England and Wales and the Prison Service, developing training materials and managing a training team
The focus was on facilitating and encouraging the implementation of evidence-based practice designed to enhance rehabilitation and reduce recidivism of young people (Youth Justice Board for England and Wales, Prison Service, 2006-9)
Writing of the national training programme for the 10,000 volunteers working with youth offending teams in England and Wales (Youth Justice Board, 2008)
Tutor for the Certificate in Effective Practice (Youth Justice) with the Universities of Nottingham Trent, Sheffield Hallam and Portsmouth (2005-8)
Development and delivery of a wide range of training programmes for youth offending teams, and other children’s services, including managing risk, dealing with conflict, engaging the difficult to engage, communications, restorative justice – whole team and cross team (2005 – now)
Development and delivery of training and consultancy services relating to Restorative Justice and Approaches (2004 – now)
Consultancy on a range of issues relating to children’s services, including ISSP, restorative justice, work with parents and effective practice (2004 – now)
Work with parents