Our Values
The directors of Acumina, Lesley Ravenscroft and Denise Campbell, both worked for many years in large organisations, with complex structures and (often) bureaucratic pressures.
In developing Acumina, they were determined to build on the positives of what they had learned, whilst creating a new way of working: one that achieved ‘big’ but remained small.
Until 2017, when we were fortunate to recruit Laura Kinsey as Business Development Manager, Lesley and Denise were the only permanent staff. Outside of this, all work is solely undertaken by partner Associates, all of whom work with us for one, or generally several, contracts. All of these Associates are selected for the extent and relevance of their experience and skills and for their explicit commitment to quality. And all contribute to the unique Acumina approach.
People matter in everything we do
Assessment, training, work with children’s services, consultancy – everything we do, we place the individual at the very centre. It’s what drives us and what brings all the different arms of Acumina together.
Quality matters
We pride ourselves on creating materials and services that are of the highest standards and that achieve the aims of the client in the most effective and professional way.
Extending the boundaries
Innovation and creativity can contribute extensively to the effectiveness of services: we work with clients to ensure development and delivery that maximises both effectiveness and engagement.
Process, not just content
We promote curriculum, assessment and training materials and services that focus not just on the ability to regurgitate methodology, but on the application of content in an open-ended context – learning for meaning and not learning by rote.
Working together, with Associates and clients
To achieve the best possible outcomes, we proactively encourage a collaborative, team approach with clients, service users and our internal team, to promote a synergy that is healthy and supportive and maximises the potential for success for all.
It is of central importance to us for the people who access our products and services to feel their impact in a positive, potentially life-changing way. What they feel matters most. We want the clients who commission our involvement to be satisfied they have accessed the best services they can. We also want the people who choose to work with Acumina to feel involved and valued.
We strive to be fair and open, with everyone.